Pi Diagram

Pi Diagram

Ok, so I?m really sorry I haven?t been able to post lately.

[What have I been up to, you ask? I?ve been GRE-ing, freshmen-advising, and researching].

You know how I did an entry once on philosophers and their guilt? It?s wearing off on me!!!! I really feel so guilty every day that I do not post.

To assuage said guilt, I created this diagram a while ago after watching the movie Pi. If you don?t get it, that?s ok. It?s kind of lame anyway. 

Fake story behind this weird diagram: I was following a bunch of philosophers around and charting their exact activities (because everything I do is measured and exact), and suddenly I realized that, if you chart the data and create complex mathematical equations, philosopher-activities follow a spiral pattern! It all goes back to pi (as in 3.14 . . .).

[click on the image to enlarge it]

Ok, really . . . I disliked this movie . . . and I'm not a mathematician or a scientist. 

I?m answering questions in my spare moments. I almost have another set worked up.

~ The Philosiologist [with a guilty red face]

You can follow me on twitter (@philosiologist), friend me on facebook (Philosiologist Qed), add me to your circle on Google+ (Philosiologist Qed) [I am so cool], or send me an email (left sidebar).  If you are a famous academic and would like to write me a fantastic letter of recommendation for grad school apps (I?m not doing Philosophy), please feel free to offer your services in an email. I need all the help I can get.

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