Physics Central's posters

Physics Central's posters

Physics Central has some cool posters to download. Unfortunately, the actual product is not available to the general public save for teachers.

Here is a sample...

How long would you have to yell to heat a cup of coffee?

Complete offering.

- Morning: Just The Java Please And Now And Then Some 1/2&1/2...physics Later
"The (Beautiful) Physics of Adding Cream to Your Coffee" December 10th, 2013 Food & Drink Here’s a quick scenario for you. You’ve poured yourself a fresh cup of black coffee, and you want to keep it hot until you’re ready to drink it. Are you...

- Physics Central...a New Look
Physics Central has a new and fresh look to their website. Physics Central...

- Physics Central's Laserfest Video Contest...a Reminder
Closing date for Physics Central's LaserFest Video Contest is May 16th. Physics Central...

- Physics Contest Announced June 5th
We have now reached the submission deadline for the Physics Central Toy Box video contest. Thanks to everyone for the fantastic entries. We will review the Toy Box videos and announce the winners on June 5th! Physics Central...

- Physics Central's Toys/physics Contest
Toys...physics...trophy...$l,000--WHAT A DEAL. Physics Central, a subdivision of the American Physical Society is sponsoring a contest. Like tossing yo-yos? Ever wanted to unravel the mystery of the drinking bird? Then the Toy Box Physics video contest...

