Physicist's license plates

Physicist's license plates

Jamie Santucci

I have Illinois license plate PHYSICS on my 2005 Toyota Camry. I believe that it cannot get more physics than that! The story is simple, unlike Tom Nash’s.... I work at Fermilab and I used to have a Toyota pickup truck with 900 GEV plates (the TeV ring energy at that time). When I traded my truck in for a Camry, I had to get new plates because Illinois does not allow truck plates on cars. I applied for PHYSICS as my first choice and, much to my surprise, I got it.

Even physicists have fun with personalized license plates.

A Bumper Crop of Physics Plates

- What Do You Do With The Plate?: Why I Am Glad To Be Married, Edition 316
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- Help Digitize A Century Of Astronomy Photographic Glass Plates
"Help This Astronomer Digitize 100 Years of Irreplaceable Space Photos" Now, the historic astronomy images are on glass plates in a building. But what if they were digital and on the internet? by Lindsey Kratochwill November 11th, 2013 Popular Science...

- Pluto Photographic Plate
One of the famous photographic plates on which Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto "Rescuing our photographic heritage" Group moves to safeguard and archive astronomical plates. by Martin Ratcliffe April 22nd, 2005 Astronomy There are more than three...

- What Did You Do When You Were 6 Years Old?
In 1963, six-year-old Robert Patch received a U.S. patent for a "Toy Truck" (No. 3,091,888). The toy separated into a chassis, driver's cab, truck body, wheels and four axles so it could be reassembled in either a closed van body or dump truck form....

- Fermilab--history
Fermilab: Physics, the Frontier and Megascience by Lillian Hoddeson, Adrienne W. Kolb, and Catherine Westfall ISBN-10: 0226346234 ISBN-13: 978-0226346236 "A story of the people who shaped Fermilab" April 21st, 2009 Symmetry Fermi National Accelerator...

