Philosophy Monkey Hits Facebook!
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The Feast Of Saint Jack
Friends, This week we celebrate the 60th birthday of Jack Handey, the comic writer of Saturday Night Live fame has also written for Steve Martin, National Lampoon, and the New Yorker. He's best known for his "Deep Thoughts." I've gotta say that...
Philosophy Monkey On Google +
With all the social media around, one can't help but try to keep up with these trends, so for those of you hip to the changes, I'm officially announcing the creation of the Google+ page for the Philosophy Monkey blog. Be sure to follow us and...
Belief In Evolution Versus National Wealth
I have no idea how many of you follow items I share but don't actually post as entries on this blog, so it just occurred to me that you may not have seen the following picture (from Calamities of Nature), which represents a disturbing picture concerning...
Blog Hiatus
As you probably surmise, dear readers, this blog is a product of love. I firmly believe that exposing others to interesting, challenging and diverse ideas might just be the spark that can inspire someone to pursue any of these questions in more depth....
The New Yorker Faced "nipplegate" On Facebook
The social network Facebook came down hard on a cartoon from the New Yorker. What ever happened to common sense? Robert Mankoff of the New Yorker wrote... The New Yorker has a Facebook page for our cartoons, which a lot of you like, or maybe it’s just...