Penn & Teller Saw a Woman in Half

As you probably know, Penn & Teller are no ordinary magicians. Not only do they reveal the tricks up magicians' sleeves (infuriating many in their trade), or the pychological quirks of the mind that make us fall prey to the deception, they are always pushing the envelope and coming up with new signature moves.
If you have ever wondered how the sawing-a-woman-in-half trick virtually all magicians perform is done, wonder no more...
If you're wondering how they did that, I got two words for you: expendable twin :)
Check out more Penn & Teller goodies.
Apollo Robbins - The Art Of Misdirection
If you don't know who Apollo Robbins is, you might want to check a fascinating profile of him published in The New Yorker in January of this year. Quite simply, he is probably the world's best, and most honest, pickpocket. As you'll gather...
Penn Jillette - This I Believe: There Is No God
When it comes to the intellectual battle between atheism and religion, the group with the imaginary friends ain't gonna win. But what about the intellectual tension between atheism and agnosticism? One could argue that atheism is an arrogant position,...
Penn & Teller - Anti-vaccine Campaigns Are Bullshit!
One of the problems with irrational beliefs is that they don't exist in a vacuum of ideas: they have consequences in the real world, and are bound to affect someone in a real way. Take the case of vaccines. There is a growing number of concerned parents...
Penn & Teller - The Vatican Is Bullshit!
It should come as no surprise to anyone that when magicians and big time skeptics Penn & Teller decided to do a show on all things Bullshit, the Pope and the Vatican would eventually find their way into that list. It's not hard to see why: the...
“cups And Balls” Magic Trick
"Neuroscientists determine famous trick's surprising ability to manipulate audiences" by Charles Q. Choi February 12th, 2013 Inside Science Scientists analyzing how magicians Penn & Teller perform one of the oldest known illusions now reveal...