Penn & Teller - If You Ate or Drank Crap, Could You Tell?

Though I am perfectly willing to admit my palate is not quite as refined as that of a mediocre connoisseur, I also tend to be skeptical of foodies, as well as coffee, wine and cigar snobs. Most of these people live under the delusion that their powers of discernment and the quality of their taste leaves the more ordinary of us in the dust. More often than they'd like to admit, however, human tastes and preferences are filtered through our cognitive expectations. This is precisely what's going on behind phenomena like the placebo effect.
This is also why asshole Starschmucks baristas and others like them '
think' that coffee from certain trendy establishments is the only kind that can satisfy their delicate and pretentious little palates (as you may be able to tell, I hate these people). Of course, secretly switch some generic coffee for their preferred brand and see how they rate it: what they normally consider heated up sewage water suddenly becomes aromatic and rich. It's not the coffee or your 'sophisticated' gusto that's doing the work: it's the trendy shop. Distractions like branding, location or presentation are almost everything sometimes.
So, our experience isn't entirely based on our sense perception but on a combination of perception and expectation, and when we expect something to be delicious (usually because it's expensive as hell, or found in a trendy restaurant, or because some person of influence recommended it), our mind starts playing tricks with itself: it experiences the food/drink as exquisite and sophisticated, even when it's dirt cheap, low quality and probably not even safe for human consumption, as Penn & Teller demonstrate in the following clip :)
So, in an ironic way, you get what you pay for :)
Buy Starschmucks, Attack God?
Apparently evangelical Christian and right-wing conservative 'historian' David Barton and I have something in common: we kind of hate Starschmucks. Our reasons, however, differ. My antagonism is based on the condescending pretentiousness of the...
Paul Bloom - Essentialism And The Origins Of Pleasure
If I tried to sell you the painting to the right for a hefty sum, I'm pretty sure you'd think it wasn't worth your time, or that I was trying to pull your leg. Never mind the artistic talent and effort that indubitably went into the piece,...
Penn & Teller - Shadows
This weekend I had the privilege and good fortune of seeing my first live Penn & Teller magic show in Las Vegas, and I must say it was one of the highlights of my life. Their tricks are incredibly entertaining, excitingly ambiguous and deliciously...
Great...hyper Astronauts High On Coffee
"Coffee on its way to space station, made by ISSpresso coffee machine (really)" by Trevor Mogg June 16th, 2014 Digital Trends After a hard day’s space walking, astronauts would probably love nothing more than to strap themselves securely into their...
Java, Joe, Lifer Juice...instant Coffee And Satori Kato
Still tastes like sludge. In 1903, the first U.S. patent for instant coffee was issued to Satori Kato of Chicago, Illinois. It was entitled "Coffee Concentrate and Process of Making Same" (No. 735,777). The application was filed 17 Apr 1901, in which...