Pathos and irony...children of radiation and James Yamazaki
Kobayashi Masao"They fled with their arms raised in front like a procession of ghosts."Year of Birth: 1899
Age at time of blast: 45
Age when image created: 74 Will humanity learn?
Children of the Atomic Bomb: An American Physicians Memoir of Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and the Marshall IslandsbyJames Yamazaki ISBN-10: 0822316587ISBN-13: 978-0822316589 Publishers Weekly:In 1949, the author, a pediatrician and medical researcher, was sent to Japan to study the effects of nuclear radiation, especially on children still in their mothers' wombs when the bomb was detonated. This report takes a medical look at the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and reviews some of the genetic abnormalities resulting from fetal exposure. The author also passes along information about the fate of Marshall Islanders accidentally exposed to radioactive fallout during the 1954 U.S. thermonuclear test at Bikini. This account is more than a medical report, however; Yamazaki relates his personal story as a Japanese American whose parents were treated roughly in a wartime internment camp in Arkansas while their son fought for America in the Battle of the Bulge. Yet the study is the most involving when he discusses the tragic legacy of the atomic bomb and sounds the alarm about the hazards of radiation in all forms. Yamazaki is on the staff of the UCLA medical school....
Children of the Atomic BombJames Yamazaki interview
Deceased--robert F. Christy
Robert F. Christy May 14th, 1916 to October 3rd, 2012 "Robert F. Christy, Atom Bomb Physicist, Dies at 96" by William J. Broad October 4th, 2012 The New York Times Robert F. Christy, who as a young Canadian-born physicist working on the Manhattan Project...
Oh No...mutant Fukushima Butterflies...what Next--mothra?
"Fukushima caused mutant butterflies: scientists" August 14th, 2012 Terradaily Genetic mutations have been found in three generations of butterflies from near Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, scientists said Tuesday, raising fears radiation...
Book Of Horrors
The horrors of a nuclear attack. Are you ready for this: He describes the so-called “ant-walking alligators” that the survivors saw everywhere, men and women who “were now eyeless and faceless — with their heads transformed into blackened alligator...
Deceased--tsutomu Yamaguchi
Tsutomu Yamaguchi March 16th, 1916 to January 4th, 2010 "Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivor Tsutomu Yamaguchi dies at 93" Yamaguchi was the only person officially recognized as having survived both atomic bombings. He was injured in the first blast and...
July And August Anniversaries...atomic Weapons
Anniversaries are arriving soon: July 16th, 1945 marks the first atomic bomb tested at the Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range in a remote section of desert near Los Alamos, New Mexico and August 6th, 1945 marks the atom bomb detonated over Hiroshima....