Ownership and Access

Ownership and Access

The notion of intellectual property has never been made fully consistent.  It is an attempt to marry an Enlightenment era notion about possession of things and land to a changed notion of "the fruits of one's labor."  I remember as an undergraduate puzzling over what was the referent of the phrase "Beethoven's 9th symphony."  Was it the dots on the page?  Was it the movements of the members of the orchestra?  Was it the resulting sound waves in the air?  Was it the internal experience of the listener?  Was it the record (yes, we had records when I was in college)?  What is the symphony itself?  If it were someone's property, what was it they had rights to?  What was it he or she possessed?

The question has been made philosophically even more interesting now that the media that contained the thing is going away.  Now that we no longer need the record album, 8-track, or digital file on our computer to have unfettered access to a book, song, or graphic image, does the notion of ownership make sense anymore?  Or is ownership in the case of intellectual property simply the ability to have access at will?  If I pay a fee and can listen to Dark Side of the Moon anywhere, anytime, but do not have a CD to put in the cabinet, do I own it in the same way?  Does ownership talk make sense anymore now that access requires no physical media?

- Modern Mencken
Tomorrow is Mencken day at the Enoch Pratt Library, honoring one of the great intellects of Baltimore.  Who would be the modern day version of H.L. Mencken?  Is there a writer who is smart, ascerbic, conservative, and wry?  P.J. O'Rourke? ...

- Can You Really Own A Position?
I've been thinking about the use of the verb to own with respect to an intellectual view.  When a student is being wishy-washy about a proposition he or she is arguing for and clearly believes, I'll tell the student to "own the position." ...

- Group E-mail Vs. Spam
Is there a difference between sending an e-mail to a group of people and spam?  Is the difference based on the number of people contacted?  If so, where is the dividing line between contacting a bunch of folks and sending spam?  Or is it...

- Historians, Archaeologists, And Scientists
Are historians scientists?  They frame hypotheses about the causes and effects of real events and use empirical evidence to support their accounts.  But they don't do not look for regularities to make into laws; to the contrary, they account...

- Grammar Curmudeons
Had a student ask yesterday about grammatical pet peeves.  His was "irregardless."  My big three are: 1)  "Quote" used for "quotation."  Quote is a verb.  You quote someone.  What you write down is not a quote, but a quotation. ...

