October 2nd, 1608/October 3rd, 1947...optics/telescope

Wired...October 2nd, 1608:...officials in the Netherlands pondered over a patent application. It was submitted by spectacle-maker Hans Lippershey for a "device by means of which all things at a very great distance can be seen as if they were nearby." This is the earliest known record of a telescope. A few months later, scientist Galileo Galilei would get his hands on one.October 3rd, 1947:After 13 years of grinding and polishing, the Palomar Observatory mirror is completed at Caltech.The mirror began as a 20-ton piece of molten Pyrex, a new glass blend, at the Corning Glass Works in upstate New York. Pyrex expands and contracts far less than regular glass, making it less prone to distortion, a problem that plagued the 100-inch mirror already in operation at Palomar.After being heated to 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit, the Pyrex was poured into a ceramic mold and cooled at an average rate of one or two degrees per day until it reached room temperature 11 months later. After that it was shipped west to Caltech in Pasadena, where the glass was painstakingly ground to perfection in a process lasting more than a decade.Hans LippersheyPalomar Observatory
Palomar Observatory...1940 Footage Of Construction
Well, here are reels #2 and #3 of some historical footage of the construction of the Palomar Observatory. Unfortunately reel #1 has not been digitized as this time.
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Hans Lippershey...dutch Lens Grinder
Hans Lippershey 1570 to September 1619 Hans Lippershey is part of the debate concerning the one who introduced the telescope...some say Galileo and some say Lippershey. Hans Lippershey was a lens grinder and one anecdote goes: Lippershey was "observing...
"visit To An Observatory Or Planetarium?" Poll
Mueller Planetarium Have you ever visited an observatory or planetarium? Yes...9 No...0 Good to see the results. I know one voter lives very close to a famous observatory in Southern California and I bet he has worked on one. :) McDonald Observatory University...
Pbs Palomar Documentary
The Moon Is Up by Alfred Noyes The moon is up, the stars are bright. the wind is fresh and free! We're out to seek the gold tonight across the silver sea! The world is growing grey and old: break out the sails again! We're out to see a Realm of...
Pbs--palomar Observatory
Tonight on most PBS stations...a history of the world-famous Palomar Observatory. The Journey To Palomar: America's first journey into space October 2nd, 1608/October 3rd, 1947...optics/telescope Palomar Observatory...