Now we know where NASA's bucks are being spent...a parody of "Curiosity"

Now we know where NASA's bucks are being spent...a parody of "Curiosity"

"'We're NASA and We Know It': Hilarious Music Video Spoofs Mars Rover Team"


Denise Chow

August 16th, 2012

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on the Red Planet are so renowned they are now the subject of a hilarious spoof video that is making viral waves.

The video, called "We're NASA and We Know It," is a play on LMFAO's hit song "Sexy and I Know It," but parodies the events surrounding the Curiosity rover's touchdown on Mars on the night of Aug. 5 (PDT; Aug. 6 EDT).

The video also pokes fun at some familiar faces at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), including white-haired Mars scientist Pete Theisinger and flight director Bobak Ferdowsi, whose stars-and-stripes Mohawk in Mission Control on landing night helped rocket him to Internet stardom and garnered him the nickname "Mohawk guy."

"We're NASA and We Know It," pays impeccable tribute to many of the night's most memorable moments, including the sky blue polo shirts worn by members of the Entry, Descent and Landing (EDL) team, the jar of peanuts that were passed around Mission Control for good luck, and, of course, Ferdowsi's Mohawk.

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