Not science's fault

Not science's fault

See what technology have wrought...the means to spy and manage individuals. It's things like this that revive the specter of George Orwell's 1984 and Winston's adventures in Oceania. "Big Brother" there was an iconic figure and here an extension of an institution. This just might add to one's borderline paranoia: "National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency". Superficially it sounds good and could be beneficial in bolstering homeland security, but it can generate suspicion. It does have the potential to become invasive regarding civil liberties and globally initiate a certain amount of lack of trust from foreign nations. Such a powerful governmental tool certainly needs to be strictly regulated with an independent group keeping tabs on its activities and provide "trustworthy" reports to the public. The bottom line: A matter of trust.

"U.S. Satellites: Public Protection or Illegal Spying?"

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