Not exactly a congressional balance

Interesting piece of trivia from Scientists and Engineers for America...How many scientists are in Congress?Answer: In the 110th Congress there are 8 members of Congress with PhDs specifically in the hard sciences. This number varies depending upon how you define "scientist" and whether or not you include people who received medical degrees, social science degrees, and bachelors and masters degrees in the sciences.Vern Ehlers (R MI)Nuclear PhysicsRoscoe Bartlett (R MD)PhysiologyBill Foster (D IL)PhysicsTim Murphy (R PA)PsychologyRush Holt (D NJ)PhysicsJohn Olver (D MA)ChemistryBrian Baird (D WA)Clinical PsychologyGerald McNerney (D CA)Math
Rush Holt--will he assist science?
Larceny Week: Science Debates
They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so this week I'll flatter several blogs that have asked some interesting questions I'd be interested in proposing to those who hang out here. Today, I'm wondering what you think of...
Philosophy: Not Dead And May Be Beneficial...personally And Economically
"Study of philosophy makes gains despite economy" by Jeff Gammage October 15th, 2011 Shannon Maloney had already earned a degree in mechanical engineering, but she returned to Lehigh University for a fifth year to complete a second major...
Anthrax, Fbi...questions Continue
This is beginning to deepen the quest of data gathering and scientific methodologies which transcends the guilt or innocence of Bruce Ivans. "Nagging Questions in Anthrax Case" by Laura Fitzpatrick August 13th, 2008 Time As probable bioterrorists go,...
Title Ix And Women In Physics
Slowly but surely, the disparities are being erased. "A New Frontier for Title IX: Science" by John Tierney July 15th, 2008 The New York Times Until recently, the impact of Title IX, the law forbidding sexual discrimination in education, has been limited...
Scientists In Congress--a Difference?
The token scientists will make no difference in congress save perhaps on a very small scale. The task of convincing other congressmen to follow dictates of science when it would drastically conflict with constituents's expectations based not on sound...