New Year's Resolutions (for somebody else)

New Year's Resolutions (for somebody else)

Happy New Year! A happy and healthy 2012 to everyone!

With the fresh, clean year comes a chance to start anew, to make changes, to make those improvements that bring our actual selves more in line with our potential selves. And thus we make the new year's resolution. Let's put a twist on it, though. Rather than exposing our own shortcomings by making our own resolutions public, let us gently suggest resolutions for those who might need the nudge.

What resolutions should be made by whom?

- Happy Year Of The Waskally Wabbit
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- New Year's Wishing Well
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- The Moral Status Of Resolutions
Happy New Year everyone! So, you take this opportunity to make a New Years' resolution and a day, a week, a month later you break it. Where's the problem? A resolution is a promise to yourself. Breaking a promise is going back on your word and...

- Slavoj ?i?ek - On Ideology
One of the more interesting lessons Hegel's dialectical method has contributed to our understanding of ideas is that ideas carry within them the seeds of their own internal contradictions, and that out of this tension of thesis and antithesis grows...

- Laurel Kornfeld Has A Legitimate Request Regarding Astronomical Nomenclature
Laurel has for a long time been an advocate for Pluto and in general questioned substantiation of some of the basic definitions adopted and promoted by the IAU [International Astronomical Union]. Here is her current letter to the IAU. August 22, 2012Dear...

