Need a Term

Need a Term

We've all done it. You send an e-mail asking for a response to an attached document and you hit send without attaching anything. This needs a name, something cute and catchy. Ideas?

- The Meaning Of The Statue Of Liberty
Today is the 125th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty. Like the Colossus of Rhodes, the giant depiction of the Roman goddess of Liberty stands at the harbor entrance to send a message to those arriving. The proximity of Liberty Island to Ellis Island...

- I Want You To Want Me
I've had several friends -- not just Facebook friends, but actual real-life friends -- send me Facebook requests to become fans of theirs. Some are artists, others politicians, but the point is clearly to have a centralized place from which to organize...

- Space And Beer
A few astronomical questions. Philo asks, "What are the odds that we will send humans to Mars and either 1) return them safely to Earth, or 2) successfully colonize Mars by 2057 (the Sputnik Centennial)?"I say the odds are very slim that we'll ever...

- Cry For An Old Form Of Communication Or To Generate Revenue?
"Revenue", I would bet. The U. S. Postal Service is in deep trouble and they will try anything. Think about it...when was the last time you received a genuine, hand-written first class letter? Been a while, hasn't it. "U.S. Postal Service unveils...

- Pet Poll
Oxford "I approved diz poll...and got a free cheese burger" Well, I am a little surprised...not so much in the results, which I expected according to a similar global survey, but that 71 people, including myself, even look at this blog. Nevertheless,...

