My Trip Out West

I think I've spent my life on the East Coast, and as far as I can remember, just about every state I've ever visited has had direct access to the Atlantic Ocean. A few weeks ago, however, I went on a little vacation out west and visited some amazing national parks in Utah and Arizona.
I had seen pictures of some of these places before, and thought it would be nice to see them, but I was not prepared for the splendor, beauty, sublimity and gripping awesomeness that I would encounter there.
If I had to describe my experience in one sentence, I'd say that I fell in love with America all over again, and I hope the slideshow of some of the pictures we took (below) gives you all a small glimpse of the magnificence that geological forces can create given enough time (just click on the x when the annoying advertising pops up).
In case you're wondering, the parks featured in the slideshow include Zion, the Red Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Arches, Monument Valley, Antelope Canyon, the Grand Canyon and the Hoover Dam.
Is Getting Your Mind Blown A Religious Experience?
Thinking back over the UMass conference a few months back, Unbroken Chain, one moment still stands out. It was during the first day's panel on the Grateful Dead and religious experience. During the q&a, someone told the story of going to a festival...
How To Never Make Another Mistake (seriously)
Folks, I?ve been in full dissertation mode for the past few months, so I haven?t been able to post as often as I would like. I?m writing a dissertation that requires me to call on the training I received in law school and will, hopefully, allow me to...
Daniel Cowan Jackling--bingham Canyon Mine
Daniel Cowan Jackling
August 14th, 1869 to March 13th, 1956
Daniel Jackling was an American mining engineer and metallurgist who founded the Utah Copper Company and with an economical method to process low-grade porphyry copper ores, below 2% copper....
Things Disappear
Amazing how some are stored in the memory or photographs long after the actual item is gone and one often wonders what happened to that object. Near me is Park University and had high on top of a hill an observatory that had been designated as the oldest...
Surf Canyon--enhanced Web Search
Stringer Tim brought this to my attention...Surf Canyon plugin for the common browsers that can potentially search deeper into the Web. I have not tried it. If you have, offer your opinion and its strengths and weaknesses. "Digging Deeper in Web Search"...