Moving Comments

Moving Comments

Everyone, I'm in the process of migrating my comments from the last six years out of JS-Kit and into Disqus.  I've had a number of regulars tell me that have been shut out of commenting recently, so I'm trying to fix it.  Please hang with me as I try to get this set up today.

- The Playground Is Closed
This is my 2,000th and final post at the Philosophers' Playground.  It's been six and a half years of almost daily entertainment posing questions and provocative theses for you folks to bat around.  It was during a sabbatical when my...

- Are Critics Artists?
It's an old cliche, "Everyone's a critic."  While it may be easy to be critical, it is not easy to be a critic.  Real criticism takes a work of art, literature, or film and uses it as the basis for an insightful discussion that weaves...

- Fat Tuesday: The Honest Holiday
Playground regulars know of my holiday hypothesis.  "Holiday" comes from "holy day" and while we claim that our holidays commemorate virtue, actually they function as controlled outlets for vice.  Thanksgiving is not about gratitude, it is about...

- Enforcement Of Social Facts
I'm team-teaching a class this semester in the history and philosophy of sociology with a buddy of mine who is a sociologist.  Today, we started working on Emile Durkheim's book, The Rules of the Sociological Method.  The central notion...

- Happy Festivus
My Fellow Comedists, Yes, it is that time of year again.  Happy Festivus!  Please use the comments for the airing of the grievances.  Here is this year's feats of strength: Live, love, and laugh, Irreverend Steve ...

