Most Important Presidential Actions

Most Important Presidential Actions

On President's Day, let's consider what Presidents have and have not done. What were the most historically important actions or words, both positive and negative, that have come from American Presidents?

I'd put Washington's stepping down after two terms as the most formative action by a President. The signing of the Emancipation Proclamation by Lincoln as the most morally necessary act by a President. And Eisenhower's Farewell Address as the most insightful speech by a President.


- Ike's Farewell Address
This week marks the 50th anniversary of Eisenhower's farewell address, the speech in which he warned of the rise of the military-industrial complex. The theme of the entire address is, to borrow a phrase from another former President with a connection...

- The Unifinished Work
On President's Day, 200 years after his birth, it is worth thinking about Lincoln's second inaugural address, which ends, of course, "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let...

- Thoughts On Biden
It is understandable in the midsts of a tightening race that the selection of Joe Biden would be seen first through the horse race lens. But this is the wrong way to look at the selection. Selecting Joe Biden as VP could have been the most important move...

- Bush Another Lincoln?: You Decide
Over at Lawyers, Guns, and Money, Scott points out that right-wing pundit Hugh Hewitt is continuing to contend that a century from now historians will see George W. Bush as another Abraham Lincoln. He writes: And that's why every president, whether...

- Bad Biden And The Philosophy Of Language
What's the problem with languages not using the words for what they really stand for? Throughout my youth I was discouraged from uttering certain words but it was "okay" to use substitutions that were kinder, gentler, and highly euphemistic. But...

