Mattel and Parker Brothers...bad science toys

I am surprised that these are still manufactured but Mattel [Magic 8-Ball] and Parker Brothers [Ouija Board] have them on the shelves at Toys R Us, Wallmart, K Mart, etc. I would covertly inquire if I would see my secret high school crush, Judy Cummings, in a bikini or during the family vacation if we were going to visit the Concrete Dinosaur Exhibit...girls would probably ask about dating, first kiss, or an assortment of romantic interludes. Heavy questions about God, immortality, and world peace were off limits. They are fun and completely void of any science.Magic 8-BallOuija Board
The Value Of A Ball
The Old Man took me and LilBro to ball games as kids and now I take my short people, but as many games as I've gone to, one thing I've never done is come away with a ball. There are four ways a fan gets a game ball -- catch a foul ball or home...
Ideomotor Phenomenon And The Good Ole Ouija Board
"How the ouija board really moves" by Tom Stafford July 30th, 2013 BBC NEWS The mystery isn’t a connection to the spirit world, but why we can make movements and yet not realise that we're making them. Ouija board cups and dowsing wands – just...
Charles Brace Darrow And A Most Popular Board Game
Charles Brace Darrow August 10th, 1889 to August 29th, 1967 Probably, the most popular board game. Charles Brace Darrow was an American inventor who designed the board game Monopoly. He had invented the game on 7 Mar 1933, though it was preceded by...
Chemistry Sets...back?
Dangerous Book for Boys A new British book and related science kits are on the market and proving to be very popular. Will it work? Well, it can't mirror the old chemistry sets of A. C. Gilbert or Porter. Furthermore, one wonders if this isn't...
Edna Parker, "supercentenarian", Has Died
Edna Parker April 20th, 1893 to November 26th, 2008 Edna is at far left, second row, with her hands crossed. Copyright © 2007-2008 Kirk Curnutt [Edna Parker is Kirk Curnutt's great-grandmother] The Today Show on Monday, April 28th, 2008: A big greeting...