Massive Snowstorm Leaves Thousands Without Access to Porn

So I guess that Mother Nature decided to fuck with everyone this April's Fools and snow on our parade.
Now, you may be thinking that since the internet is for porn (obviously!), a snowstorm is the perfect opportunity to stay home and watch porn all day without getting fired, but The Onion reports that the power outage that's about to ensue is going to make that just about impossible...
If I were you, I'd pay attention to Jesse Jane in more ways than one to figure out what to do :)
Do you have
your porn kit ready? :)
I Weep For The Onion
How does one write satire when this is reality? (hat tip to Chet at Shakesville for the story and YKW for the image link)U.S. Congressional candidate Tony Zirkle is facing criticism from one of his primary opponents, and a host of people on the Internet,...
Porn Stars And Beauty Queens
Any lovers of irony or fans of Joseph Heller's Catch-22 out there? If so, I have a story for you... So it turns out that Melissa King, a girl who did some porn to be able to make the money necessary to enter a beauty pageant, ended up losing her Miss...
God Destroyed In Act Of God?
You'd think that if you build a giant statue celebrating the son of God, God would be pleased, right? Well, it seems last night the statue was struck by a bolt of lightning, confirming my suspicion that Zeus is still reigning supreme and kicking...
Julia Sweeney Has "the Talk"
When people decide that they want to have a baby, I like to imagine that the thing they look forward to the most is that pesky question they'll hear in a few years: "mommy/daddy, where do babies come from?" Then I imagine heart palpitations, profuse...
Sports Science - Spiraling The Pig Skin Vs. Shooting Arrows
I'm not a very big fan of watching sports. I'm not sure why that's the case (although I tell myself plenty of reasons), but there's something frustrating about sitting down watching someone else engage in an fun activity instead of being...