Martian invasion...1953 style

In 1953 William Cameron Menzies gave us the chilling Invaders From Mars [20th Century Fox].During a thunderstorm, a young boy witnesses the landing of a flying saucer in a nearby field. No one will believe the boy's wild tale, and the aliens (who remain unseen in their subteranean space ship) begin controlling the town's inhabitants, including his own father and mother. It all comes to a climatic end when the U.S. army takes on the aliens from mars.I was not aware that a different ending was done for the British audiences.
Invaders From Mars [Wikipedia]
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Motion pictures: Not at all inclusive. The above clip is from a British sci-fi import called Devil Girl from Mars [1954] staring Patricia Laffan as Nyah who has come to Earth looking to replace the Martian gene pool [much like Mars Needs Women (1967)]...