Love and Lust

Love and Lust

Springtime, when thoughts supposedly turn to love. Or something close, at least. What is the relationship -- if any -- between romantic love and lust? Are they completely unrelated? Does one always accompany the other? Does one tend to lead to the other? If so, under what conditions? More likely for certain types of people than others?

- What Is Love?
To recognize its 50th anniversary last week and Valentine's Day today, at noon by the mayor's proclamation, everyone in San Francisco will sing along with Tony Bennett's "I Left My Heart in San Francisco." A fitting tribute from the city that...

- Nerd Valentines
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, This Valentine's weekend, I recall that a certain Playground regular has an alternate romantic use of the word "logic," and so inspired let's come up with the geekiest ways to describe...

- True Love Vs. Romantic Love
Great quotation today from Margaret Anderson, "In real love you want the other person's good. In romantic love you want the other person."So, is there a distinction to made between real love and romantic love?...

- The Essence Of Love
Thinking about the nature of love today. It's TheWife's birthday and I'm puzzling over how someone so strong, smart, gorgeous, and caring could end up in love with some awkward uber-geek with no fashion sense and a philosopher's salary....

- Making Guacamole All Night Long
So I was whipping up a batch of guacamole for dinner, listening to the Texas Tornados (I am eternally grateful to Egg for the CD). On comes their classic, "Who were you thinking of when we were loving last night." I began to wonder about the ethics of...

