Louie Schwartzberg - The Hidden Beauty of Pollination

Louie Schwartzberg - The Hidden Beauty of Pollination

As a new year begins and we do what we can to leave the past in the past, however unsuccessfully, it seems rather appropriate to think about new beginnings, not only as they apply to our own individual lives but as they relate to life in general, and to the fact that life is only possible because of new beginnings.

The following captivating short film by Louie Schwartzberg captures in exquisitely fine and beautiful time lapse detail some of the intricacies that take place among the many insect, avian and mammalian animals that are responsible for helping plants perpetuate their legacy. You may think you've seen it all, but trust me, some of this footage, like the hummingbird doing acrobatics with a bee, will blow your mind.

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