Leonardo da Vinci...extraordinary individual

Machine for Digging Trenches
The bucket of this digger is operated via the instantaneous release of the balance weight. The large rocking half-wheel helps lift the excavating bucket and lower the balance weight. The operation is repeated until the bucket digs down into the ditch. Then the digger is hauled on for excavating a new stretch.
And another stellar web site on a special individual--Leonardo da VinciLeonardo
Mining Other Worlds
The RASSOR robot climbs a hill during recent testing at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. "Engineers Building Hard-working Mining Robot" by Steven Siceloff January 29th, 2013 Kennedy Space Center After decades of designing and operating...
Vitruvius' "ten Books On Architecture", Leonardo Da Vinci, And...vitruvian Man
"The Other Vitruvian Man"Was Leonardo da Vinci's famous anatomical chart actually a collaborative effort?by Toby LesterFebruary 2012Smithsonian In 1986, during a visit to the Biblioteca Comunale Ariostea, in Ferrara, Italy, an architect named Claudio...
Ms Lisa's Smile
"Mona Lisa's Smile Hides Da Vinci's Technique" by Rossella Lorenzi August 23rd, 2010 Discovery News Hidden behind the Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile are dozens and dozens of layers of ultra-thin glaze, according to French researchers who examined...
Physics, Art--leonardo Style
Particle events depicted as books. The few stacked neatly in piles are events selected by the CMS high-level trigger system for further study; more than 99 percent have been rejected and tossed in a pile. "Channeling da Vinci" A physicist sketches science...
Gavin Menzies--back At It Again
Gavin Menzies Leonardo da Vinci Gavin Menzies is at it again...this time claiming that "Leonardo da Vinci's drawings of machines are uncannily similar to Chinese originals and were undoubtedly derived from them...." in his new book 1434: The Year...