Le Petit Chaperon Rouge...would lose meaning

Le Petit Chaperon Rouge...would lose meaning


Would the "little girl in red" lose significance for there would be no antecedent reference. Children would not know what a forest is.

"Big eyes" syndrome...aka "Big, Bad Wolf" phenomenon

"Le Petit Chaperon Rouge"--Halloween fare

- Instant Friendship
Was watching the shorter of the short people in a context the other day where he came together with a couple of other kids he had never met. The instantaneous reaction was, "Oh my god, you're a kid? I'm a kid, too! That must mean we're friends."...

- A Polish Anomaly...the "crooked Forest"
INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FORESTS "Poland's Mysterious Crooked Forest" by Christina Reed June 28th, 2011 DiscoveryNews In a tiny corner of western Poland a forest of about 400 pine trees grow with a 90 degree bend at the base of their trunks - all...

- The Black Forest
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INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF FORESTS The United Nations (UN) has declared 2011 as the international year of forests to raise awareness on the sustainable management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests. The decision was taken by...

