Krauss & Jeremijenko on a date and discuss science

Krauss & Jeremijenko on a date and discuss science

Lawrence Krauss

Natalie Jeremijenko

Lawrence Krauss and Natalie Jeremijenko are on a date and discuss "science"...hehe.


Natalie Jeremijenko

Lawrence Krauss

Dinner date

- Philosophy Versus Science
Julian Baggini interviewed physicist Lawrence Krauss in the Guardian on ?Philosophy v. Science: Which Can Answer the Big Questions of Life?. Baggini suggested that "We have no reason to think that one day science will make it unnecessary for us to ask...

- Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss - Something From Nothing
One of the most persistent intuitions we humans rely on when thinking about the question of the origin of the universe is captured by the latin phrase ex nihilo nihil fit, which can be roughly translated as "nothing comes from nothing," so where did everything...

- Why Something Rather Than Nothing...lawrenece Krauss Vs Richard Dawkins
YouTube description... Join critically-acclaimed author and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and world-renowned theoretical physicist and author Lawrence Krauss as they discuss biology, cosmology, religion, and a host of other topics. The authors...

- L. Krauss And Cosmology
Looks like Lawrence Krauss [The Physics of Star Trek] has written a paper on man and cosmology. Abstract: Cosmological discoveries over the past century have completely changed our picture of our place in the universe. New observations have a realistic...

- Faith/science--mutually Exclusive?
Interesting. This is a prepublish paper by Richard MacKenzie. We are still fussing over the epistemological relationship between faith and science and it appears that people still wish to draw the conclusion that science and religion [theology] are mutually...

