Just Asking

Just Asking

The second most horrendous act of terrorism in the United States was committed by Christian nationalists who intentionally planted their bomb at the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City knowing full well that the facility had a daycare center. And yet despite the religious beliefs of these terrorists who intentionally murdered innocent Americans, including young children, there are two Christian churches -- the City Church of Oklahoma City and the First Baptist Church -- within blocks of the site. Why aren't we hearing the wringing of hands about that from those who are opposing the Muslim community center in Manhattan?

- This Is The Best Sermon You'll Hear Today. Amen!
I know I sometimes tend to rant against religious dogmatism and bigotry, but credit has to be given where it's due, and the following sermon by Pastor Frederick Haynes III absolutely deserves props, so kudos! Why? Well, consider this... he's a...

- Politics, Ethics, State Rights, Demographics...satanism At Oklahoma State House?
Satan Cast Down from Heaven  Gustave Dore "Satanists plan statue to stand alongside Ten Commandments in Oklahoma" A decision to erect a Christian monument outside the statehouse could backfire as satanists demand religious parity December 8th,...

- God Has Left The Building[s]
Nothing personal, just business. "Banks foreclosing on churches in record numbers"by Tim ReidMarch 8th, 2012ReutersBanks are foreclosing on America's churches in record numbers as lenders increasingly lose patience with religious facilities that...

- "godless" In Fort Worth
Would a similar upset happen if the sign read..."Praise to Allah" "Atheist Ads on Buses Rattle Fort Worth" by James C. McKinley December 13th, 2010 The New York Times Stand on a corner in this city and you might get a case of theological whiplash....

- Religion And The "buck"
The late Rev. Ike would have said..."Show me the money". "The Almighty Dollar" Are preachers motivated by the desire to save souls or to make cold, hard cash? by Ray Fisman July 7th, 2010 Slate Chris Parsons is the son of a Baptist preacher. He remembers...

