June 21st=summer solstice

"Night in Day"
The night never wants to end, to give itself over
to light. So it traps itself in things: obsidian, crows.
Even on summer solstice, the day of light's great
triumph, where fields of sunflowers guzzle in the sun —
we break open the watermelon and spit out
black seeds, bits of night glistening on the grass.
Joseph Stroud
Today is the summer solstice — the first day of summer. The North Pole is tilted toward the sun and here in the Northern Hemisphere we get the most hours of sunlight that we get all year. Summer solstice [Wikipedia]And don't forget this classic advertisement for the Summer season.
Cheri Brand"Don't be a paleface!" Coppertone girl [Wikipedia]
Summer Solstice And The Cultural Meaning Of "pagan"
Today is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year and a holiday for Pagans. The term "pagan" has both a denotation -- it refers to pre-Christian religions which tended to be polytheistic and to contemporary religious views that are more...
Calendar Denial
It's that time of year. The fall is just about here. Don't get me wrong. I love teaching. I love my students (especially the ones who read this blog). But I hate giving up summer. In fact, at this point I'm simply retreating into denial. If...
Winter Solstice 2013
A short day of freezing rain, then snow...argh! A long distance friend wrote... Happy Solstice! by Laurel Kornfeld December 21st, 2013 Today is one of those days when I will deviate from the usual Pluto-centered entries to honor an...
A Good Excuse To Party...summer Solstice
Wikipedia... The summer solstice occurs when the tilt of a planet's semi-axis, in either the northern or the southern hemisphere, is most inclined toward the star (sun) that it orbits. Earth's maximum axial tilt toward the sun is 23° 26'....
December 21st At About 8am...salisbury, England...see Ya There
Gather 'round ye pagans and Druids...or just the curious, for Monday the 21st of December around 8.09am for the Winter Solstice celebrations at Stonehenge in Salisbury, England. Festivities abound and nudity for the hardy--NOT. "Astronomers celebrate...