John Dobson...sidewalk astronomer...still around at 98

John Dobson...sidewalk astronomer...still around at 98

Original Dobson Telescope

John Dobson [Wikipedia]

Dobsonian telescope [Wikipedia]

- Fruitcakes?
Guestpost today from YKW: There are few people I truly hate (politically) more than would-be demagogues like James Dobson. He?s the second coming of Henry Ford, minus the cars. (CNN) -- A top U.S. evangelical leader is accusing Sen. Barack Obama of deliberately...

- My Apology To Santorum, Dobson, And Cornyn
I was wrong, they were right. In my post Countering the Slippery Slope Nonsense: Why Gay Marriage Doesn't Lead to Box Turtle Nuptials, I made light of the frightening possibility that opening the gates to gay marriage might lead down the slippery...

- Deceased--john Lowry Dobson
John Lowry Dobson September 14th, 1915 to January 15th, 2014 "John Dobson, “The Sidewalk Astronomer”, 1915-2014" by Steve Owens January 16th, 2014 Dark Sky Diary John Dobson, known as “the sidewalk astronomer“, and the inventor of the Dobsonian...

- Birthplace Of American Astronomy...the Cincinnati Observatory
"How Cincinnati became the "Birthplace of American Astronomy."" by Ann Thompson April 12th, 2013 WVXU The Cincinnati Observatory is celebrating an anniversary this weekend. It was 168 years ago that a prominent Cincinnatian made the city the "Birthplace...

- James Webb Space Telescope Game

