John A. Byrnes, Richard C. Legg, and Richard Leroy McKinley...1961 nuclear accident at Idaho Falls, Idaho

An unfortunate accident or a domestic issue?In 1961, three men were killed in the first fatal nuclear accident in the U.S. when an experimental reactor exploded. The Stationary Low-Power Plant No.1 (SL-1), was part of the National Reactor Testing Station (NRTS), near Idaho Falls, Idaho. An 80-lb control rod was lifted by hand beyond its safe position, causing a core meltdown and explosion of the reactor. Four days were spent to devise a safe method to recover one of the corpses. All three bodies were extremely radioactivity, causing problems for their burial. Clean-up took 18 months. Investigators were never able to determine why this ''abnormal act'' occurred. Two decades later, a documentary speculated one of the men had marital problems and sabotaged the reactor.Memory Meltdown: America's Forgotten Nuclear AccidentSL-1 [Wikipedia]STATIONARY LOW-POWER PLANT NUMBER 1, SL-1 ACCIDENT
Oh No...mutant Fukushima Butterflies...what Next--mothra?
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A "fusioneer"--mark Suppes
Good luck. "Extreme DIY: Building a homemade nuclear reactor in NYC" by Matthew Danzico June 23rd, 2010 BBC News Many might be alarmed to learn of a homemade nuclear reactor being built next door. But what if this form of extreme DIY could help solve...
Deceased--thomas H. Pigford
Thomas H. Pigford April 21st, 1922 to February 27th 2010 "Thomas H. Pigford, Nuclear Engineer, Is Dead at 87" by Matthew L. Wald March 5th, 2010 The New York Times Thomas H. Pigford, an independent-minded nuclear engineer who was recruited by the federal...
Csi For Nuclear Products?
An early sample of plutonium was found in a jug inside a safe during a cleanup at the Hanford site. Quite a surprise find during cleanup at the defunct Hanford, Washington nuclear production facility. "Antique Plutonium" Manhattan Project-era plutonium...
Thorium For Reactors?
Shippingport nuclear power plant The first large-scale nuclear powerplant in the world began operating in Shippingport, Pennsylvania, on December 2, 1957--exactly 15 years after Enrico Fermi demonstrated the first sustained nuclear reaction. The Duquesne...