Jack Black - Professional Mis-Informant

You already know what happened to Donald Duck for listening to the incoherent rantings of political pundits like Glenn Beck. Imagine what would happen if innocent children, unaware of ideological corruption and psychological manipulation, were suddenly exposed to and indoctrinated by propaganda produced by the public relations machine serving corporate and extremist political interests at the expense of the interests of the people.
Well, you don't have to imagine because Jack Black is here to show you exactly what could happen...
And here is the little seedling turning into the inevitable monster:
Watch Jon Stewart also channel the spirit of Glenn Beck not once but twice!
Back In Black - Threats To America's Children
So, "Dr." Oz, quack-alternative-medicine peddler, started a fear mongering campaign about a week ago scaring parents all over the country with the idea that apple juice is loaded with 'lethal' amounts of arsenic. As it turns out, Oz didn't...
Donald Duck And Mickey Mouse Meet Glenn Beck In Right Wing Radio
With his life in shambles as a consequence of the economic crisis, Donald Duck (like many Americans) finds himself unemployed and falling behind on his house payments. As everything starts to spiral out of control, he finds solace in the seemingly friendly...
Glenn Beck's Got Nazi Tourette's
Glenn Beck plays "Six degrees of Kevin Bacon," except there's just one degree, and Kevin Bacon is Hitler...
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c...
Jon Stewart And The Glenn Beck Reductio Ad Absurdum
A reductio ad absurdum is an awesome and powerful logical tool in which you can either a) disprove the assumptions of a given argument by showing that its premises lead to a conclusion that contradicts one of the premises (proving that the original premise...
Victim In Fatal Car Accident Tragically Not Glenn Beck
Losing a loved one in a fatal accident is obviously difficult, especially when it's your innocent and life-loving child, but The Onion reports that what really sucks, the real heart-wrenching tragedy, is when the victim wasn?t Glenn Beck :) Glenn...