Irony Can Be So Ironic: Egypt Edition

Irony Can Be So Ironic: Egypt Edition

I was browsing through the new acquisitions shelves at our library yesterday and came across Tarek Osman's new book, "Egypt on the Brink: From Nasser to Mubarak." On the one hand, it's great to be right about something. On the other hand, it's got to hurt having a decade of research and analysis rendered obsolete in a single week precisely because you were right. Let's hope his editor at Yale University Press has asked him for another book called "Egypt Past the Brink."

- Zahi Hawass Is Back...temporarily
After being abruptly sacked in an overhaul of the country's cabinet, Zahi Hawass has been reinstated, but only temporarily. "The Fall of Zahi Hawass" Removed as minister of antiquities, the high profile archaeologist no longer holds the keys to 5,000...

- Deceased--christiane Desroches Noblecourt
Christiane Desroches Noblecourt November 17th, 1913 to June 23rd, 2011 The Associated Press... Christiane Desroches Noblecourt, a pioneering French Egyptologist who prodded Gen. Gamal Abdel Nasser to help salvage Nubia's vaunted antiquities, has...

- Napoleon, Pierre-françois-xavier Bouchard, Rosseta Stone
Pierre-François-Xavier Bouchard April 29th, 1771 to 1832 A yesterday birthday. Bill Ashworth in the Linda Hall Library Newsletter wrote... Pierre-François-Xavier Bouchard, a lieutenant and engineer in the French army, was born Apr. 29, 1771. Bouchard...

- Banned By The U. S. Government--a Chemistry Book
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- Papyrus Of Ani...complete Papyrus
Small section of Papyrus of Ani Utterly fantastic representation of The Papyrus of Ani. This is the complete text and if this were printed out, I wonder how many feet this would be...and how many ink cartridges it would consume. From Vassar College......

