Internet--historical origins

Internet--historical origins

No it was NOT Al Gore who invented the Internet. From POSP stringer Tim is this interesting historical information.

First U.S. Web Site: Documentation of the Early Web at SLAC (1991-1994)

This collection documents the installation of the first United States Web server at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC). Features a chronology, images of the first SLAC Web pages, a list of some of the people involved in Web activities at SLAC (along with publications such as "The Virtual Library in Action"), and other related documents.

W3C: History

History of the creation of the Web in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee and of the origins of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), founded in 1994. Highlights include Berners-Lee's original proposal for the Web, a biography and FAQ from Berners-Lee, and archival documents about the organization and uses of the Web.

Where the Web Was Born

History of the invention of the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). "The basic idea of WWW was to merge the technologies of personal computers, computer networking and hypertext into a powerful and easy to use global information system." Discusses early Web pages, Web servers, browsers, how the Web is not identical to the Internet, and how the Web works.

- Massive Data
"Preserving the data harvest" Canning, pickling, drying, freezing—physicists wish there were an easy way to preserve their hard-won data so future generations of scientists, armed with more powerful tools, can take advantage of it. They’ve launched...

- Arxiv Early Told By Founder Paul Ginsparg
Some history of arXiv from Paul Ginsparg who founded the arXiv e-print archive. "The global-village pioneers" by Paul Ginsparg October 1st, 2008 The students whom I currently teach regard Al Gore as a Nobel-prize winner and think Google...

- Slac Vs Government Intentions
The question is WHY. Why is the U.S. Department of Energy fussing over this? "Stanford physics lab embroiled in naming spat" by David Perlman July 28th, 2008 San Francisco Chronicle Stanford's famed high-energy physics laboratory is in a tussle...

- World Wide Web And Paul Otlet
Paul Otlet August 23rd, 1868–10 December 10th, 1944 "The Web Time Forgot" by Alex Wright June 17th, 2008 The New York Times On a fog-drizzled Monday afternoon, this fading medieval city feels like a forgotten place. Apart from the obligatory Gothic...

- World Year Of Physics 2005
This was a spectacular event in 2005 celebrating Einstein via the "World Year of Physics 2005". Okay, it was no Hollywood slick production being all live and something quite novel but it is, nevertheless, an interesting piece of history of science. This...

