I Made The Baltimore Sun

I Made The Baltimore Sun

I've got an op/ed in Monday's Baltimore Sun about apologies. The discussion looks at what makes a good apology and what was lacking in the efforts of the pope, Mel Gibson, George Allen, and William Donald Schaefer. Check it out and if you don't agree with my treatment...excuse me .

- When Are You Owed An Apology?
I find it fascinating that in the light of the political dust-up about Mitt Romney's work and filed forms about Bain Capital that Romney has demanded an apology from the President.  It leads to the general question about the grounds that would...

- The Purpose Of Public Libraries
Posting today from the local public library as I wait to go in to teach critical thinking to middle schoolers and looking at the rack of comic books in front of me brought back a story on NPR from yesterday. Apparently, over half of the books bought by...

- Who Do You Feel Sorry For?
I feel sorry for former Maryland Lieutenant governor Kathleen Kennedy Townshend. Before George "Macaca" Allen's implosion took him from shoe-in to laughing stock, she had a firm grip on the title of "worst political campaign in the last decade." I...

- On Quasi-apologies
So Mel Gibson has apologized for his anti-Semitic rant when he was arrested for driving under the influence. One part of his statement struck me as quite interesting. I am a public person, and when I say something, either articulated and thought out,...

- Catch Me On The Radio
For those of you in the Baltimore area, I'll be on the 98 Rock afternoon drive-time program "Mickey and Amelia" Wednesday around 4 to talk about ethics....

