I Am a Moderate!

As you may already be aware, Jon Stewart is combating Glenn Beck's recent sensationalist, hate-inducing, fear-mongering rally with a Rally to Restore Sanity to the political discourse in our country. It's about time!
Funny man Roy Zimmerman has composed a little anthem to mark the occasion.
Of course, if you really want moderate, you could not do better than the fundamentalists of the Church of the Holy Undecided :)
Back In Black - Threats To America's Children
So, "Dr." Oz, quack-alternative-medicine peddler, started a fear mongering campaign about a week ago scaring parents all over the country with the idea that apple juice is loaded with 'lethal' amounts of arsenic. As it turns out, Oz didn't...
The Straight Talk Express: It Gets Worse
Some of you bleeding-heart-equal-rights-for-everyone hippie types may have been inspired by the anti-bullying It Gets Better campaign. Interestingly, even Cindy McCain was brainwashed by this socialist message of equality and basic human decency (as you...
Missile: Impossible
So, something looks a bit strange in the sky, we have no idea what it is, and we know that sometimes a lack of reference points can mess up with our depth perception and produce optical illusions.
This can only mean one thing for the media and conspiracy...
Glenn Beck's Got Nazi Tourette's
Glenn Beck plays "Six degrees of Kevin Bacon," except there's just one degree, and Kevin Bacon is Hitler...
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c...
Jon Stewart Nails Glenn Beck
I don't know if you've had the patience to watch Glenn Beck make a complete ass of himself during the past year with his dramatic accusations, preposterous associations, exaggerations, inventions, convulsions, fear mongering, crying, non-sequiturs,...