How to Fix the Middle East... with Weapons!
It seems to be a generally true rule of thumb that a society's cultural and economic well-being improve when education is made available to women. Isabel Allende and David Attenborough have eloquently made that same point before, but for areas as violent as many countries in the Middle East, nothing gets more eloquent than this picture:

Problem solved. You're welcome :)
Gandhi's Legacy
Yesterday was Mohandas Gandhi's birthday. A brilliant man who was also a stunningly capable leader, two things that do not often get combined, much less come together at the right place at the right time. Now, though, it seems that Gandhi is simply...
Middle Class
I've been listening to an interesting series of stories on NPR this week about the notion "middle class." Turns out that if you ask almost anyone where they fall on the socio-economic ladder, the answer will almost universally come back "middle class."...
When It Says Libby, Libby, Libby
on the label, label, label, you subvert justice, justice, justice under the table, table, table Boy, I feel old. I remember the days when a member of the executive branch (anyone else remember when there was an executive branch to our government?) lying...
Dolphins - Deep Thinkers?
I recently went to Sea World (where I took the picture on the right), and I was so impressed by the dolphins that I just had to look for something to share with everyone, and what could be better than David Attenborough explaining their incredible mental...
"most Influential Civilization Of The Past" Poll
Most influential civilization of the past... Far East...1 Egyptian...3 Greek...2 Middle East...2 Roman...2 Well, this is totally bizarre for I never expected that Egyptian would be number one. I really cannot see this for such a static civilization except...