Honorarium to George Pal

A simple honorarium to a pioneer in the film industry that married fascination with astronomy and a good story. For us older ones it was a fantastic thrill to watch science blossom in the 1950's and 1960's to such, as viewed now, naive films as Destination Moon, War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, and When Worlds Collide. Besides making a few bucks for Paramount they did inspire a generation of science nerds and nerdettes.
"Hungarian-born animator-producer George Pal's and director Irving Pichel's fairly tepid and plain Destination Moon (1950), taken from famed sci-fi author/screenwriter Robert Heinlein's juvenile novel Rocket Ship Galileo; this was Pal's first feature as a producer; the technicolor science fiction film was historically important - it 'invented' the realistic look of spacesuits, rocketships (skillfully-produced models), and the lunar surface, and included a quasi-educational segment introduced by cartoon character Woody Woodpecker; this film gave George Pal his first Academy Award; this Cold-War era film was also notable for its use of space as a battleground with the USSR."--Tim Dirks"SCIENCE FICTION FILMS""The Legacy Of George Pal"Popularization of science
"starlog" Magazine Is Available For Free At Internet Archive
Internet Archive... Starlog was a monthly science-fiction film magazine published by Starlog Group Inc. The magazine was created by publishers Kerry O'Quinn and Norman Jacobs. O'Quinn was the magazine's editor while Jacobs ran the business...
Being The First...first Nude Scene In A Motion Picture
I really wonder if it the first? Her name is Audrey Munson and the film is Inspiration [1915]. Wikipedia said that "All copies of the movie are believed to have been lost." If so, where did the still photo originate? Nevertheless... From the beginning...
Pulp Scifi Online
They are getting rare, expensive, and quite fragile. Here is a large assortment for reading online or download. [NOTE: Some of the files have been expurgated for copyright reasons.] Amazing Science Fiction Stories, Volume 15, Number 11, November 1941...
Bernard Le Bovier De Fontenelle--popularization Of Science
Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle February 11th, 1657 to 9 January 9th, 1757 Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle...little known French literary figure that attempted to blend science and philosophy and often considered one of the first figures to popularize...
"a Trip To The Planets"
An old silent film blending some science fiction and science fact...of the era. "...Around each of these fixed stars undoubtly revolves Planetary Systems like our own."--harbinger of modern day "exoplanets". "A Trip To The Planets" And this same titled...