Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli--belated birthday

Giovanni Virginio SchiaparelliMarch 14th, 1835 to July 4th, 1910 A belated birthday to Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli along with "pi" and Albert Einstein. His maps of Mars led Percival Lowell to formulate his "canal" ["canali"] hypothesis of Mars.Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli Percival LowellMartian canalPercival Lowell:Is Mars habitable?: A Critical Examination of Professor Percival Lowell's Book "Mars and Its Canals," with an Alternative Explanation by Alfred Russel Wallace The Evolution of the Worlds by Percival LowellThe Solar System: Six Lectures Delivered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in December, 1902Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli:"The Rotation and Physical Constitution of the Planet Mercury and the Planet Mars" by Giovanni Virginio SchiaparelliMars...Percival Lowell's romance with the red planetAgain, thanks for the reminder Sarah. :)
Martian Life Proven
Does NASA need to spend billions discovering life on Mars...just read and believe what Percival Lowell 1908. "Proof of Life on Mars" by Percival Lowell Century Magazine 1908 [Click to enlarge to read.] ...
Vintage Astronomy Texts
Some nostalgic, vintage astronomy texts... Aristotle On the Heavens Ball, R. S. Great Astronomers Bethe, Hans "Supernovae" Brahe, Tycho Astronomicall Coniectur [A New Star] Copernicus, Nicolaus De Revolutionibus Orbium...
International Year Of Astronomy And An Offering Of Cheap Telescopes
Galileo's Telescope The U.S. International Year of Astronomy 2009 opening ceremony is set for January 6th in Long Beach, California. has intimated that cheap telescopes will be offered to the general public. International Year of Astronomy:...
Pre-mariner 4 Knowledge Of Mars
Barrie W. Jones's "Mars before the space age" [recently published in the International Journal of Astrobilogy (Volume 7, Number 2, pp. 143-155, 2008)] has provided a succinct thirteen page history of Mars...pre-Mariner 4. Abstract: Mars has surely...
Victorian Popular Astronomer: Sir Robert Stawell Ball
Sir Robert Stawell Ball 1840-1913 Sir Robert Ball SIR ROBERT STAWELL BALL Free, online books: A Popular Guide to the Heavens A Treatise on Spherical Astronomy Astronomy Elements of Astronomy Experimental Mechanics: A course of Lectures Delivered...