Ghost Particles

Not only does the belief in ghosts pose practical scientific problems (how do you detect something which violates all the known laws of physics, and which refuses to appear to anyone but the naive?), it also raises logical problems:
If ghosts can be seen, then they must be interacting with the physical world and somehow send or reflect photons towards our eyes, and if they can be heard, then they must also be interacting with the world and emit sound waves that our ears can detect, and if they can be felt, then they must be interacting with our physical body and be detected by the nerve endings on our skin, and so on, but then, by any of these suppositions, they shouldn't be able to walk through walls... or, if they could, then they couldn't consistently
interact with matter and move objects, or touch us and be felt, even in our no-no places :)
Believers might suggest that ghosts might be composed of neutrinos, which are notoriously -and dare I say, conveniently- difficult to detect, but like with the problems above, when you cover one hole in a holey belief, or is it holy? :), another hole reappears somewhere else...
Click here to learn about the philosophical problems with the idea of souls.
Neutrinos And The Speed Of Light
Last week saw two phenomena that seem to challenge a central postulate of the theory of relativity. First, researchers at CERN reported that a stream of neutrinos was determined to have traveled faster than the speed of light. Following that announcement,...
To Interact Or Not?
Great question from my cousin:I'm sure you saw the pictures this week of a tribe in the Amazon that has had NO contact with the outside world. To intervene or not to intervene...that is my question. Do you leave these people alone, or go in and say...
Consider The View That Scripture Is Divinely Inspired (35).
The notion of scripture being divinely inspired is riddled with philosophical problems. Some of the issues arising from it being divinely inspired are: how the text came to human beings?; Did God give it directly or was it human in origin?; moreover,...
Physics Taking The Fun Out Of Halloween Cinema?
Abstract... We examine certain features of popular myths regarding ghosts, vampires and zombies as they appear in film and folklore. We use physics. to illuminate inconsistencies associated with these myths and to give practical explanation to certain...
Blackholes At Lhc Predicted But No "evidence"
Again I question the efficacy of theoretical physics. Here it is stated by two physicists that according to the resolution of Einstein's field equations that black holes may be a result of high energy physics...but there is no evidence. However,...