Geometry in science and art

"Science, Art and Geometrical Imagination"
Jean-Pierre Luminet
Abstract:From the geocentric, closed world model of Antiquity to the wraparound universe models of relativistic cosmology, the parallel history of space representations in science and artillustrates the fundamental role of geometric imagination in innovative findings. Through the analysis of works of various artists and scientists like Plato, Dürer, Kepler, Escher, Grisey or the present author, it is shown how the process of creation in science and in the arts rests on aesthetical principles such as symmetry, regular polyhedra, laws of harmonic proportion, tessellations, group theory, etc., as well as beauty, conciseness and emotional approach of the world.I also recommend the following book...
Beauty and the beast : the aesthetic moment in science
Ernst Peter Fischer
Elizabeth Oehlkers [Translator]
ISBN 0306460114
In this engaging treatise, science historian Dr. Ernst Peter Fischer puts forth a convincing appeal to both the public and scientists, urging us to reconsider the way we arrive at the truth in science. Encouraging us to approach science with all our senses, Fischer posits a universal aesthetic sense that spurs our imagination and leads it to profound revelations about human and cosmic nature. He delves into the lives of major thinkers and scientists from Bacon to Watson and Crick, pinpointing how they have been guided by their instinct and individual sense of beauty in the pursuit of knowledge. Showing how the aesthetic delights of thought, analysis, research, and discovery are leading components of the scientific mind and process, he examines everything from snowflakes to the overall makeup of the space-time continuum. He explores these concepts and others including the golden mean, evolution, symmetry in nature, as well as imaginary numbers and irrationality as proof of beauty in science. He presents truth as a state of beauty - and beauty as the embodiment of truth. This book will appeal to lay people and scientists alike.
Is Beauty An Ethical Notion?
Beauty enhances life. A life lived surrounded by beauty is a better life than one not. Does this mean that beauty is a moral concept? Do we have an obligation to make the world more beautiful if we can? Do we have a moral duty to create beauty?...
Truth, Beauty And Axioms
To be filed under "be careful what you ask for...," there were some amazing questions this weekend. Let me try to weigh in on as many as I can this week. Here are three. Gwydion asked, " What's the joke that ends with the punchline "Rectum? I nearly...
Richard Feynman - Ode To A Flower
A common misconception regarding disciplines that require abstract and rigorous thinking (math, philosophy, science, etc.) is that their cold and rational nature strips the world (and our experience of it) of its natural beauty and the awe it can inspire...
The Richard Feynman Series - Beauty
Beauty is one of those tricky concepts to define because although most of us have an intuitive sense of instances of beauty, and can usually recognize it when we see it, we can't come up with an overarching theory about why all the things we consider...
Can't Be Done...quantification Of Human Preferences
Wired Science... The Mathematics of Beauty Not everything can be quantified, especially when it comes to matters of the human heart and mind. For decades, psychologists and biologists have tried to represent physical beauty in formula form; but even...