From the "I Want to See the Grant Application for This One" File

From the "I Want to See the Grant Application for This One" File

Psychologists in Bristol have documented the existence of beer goggles. No word on whether the lead investigator's tenure file would look more attractive after a few nips.

The team had also hoped to report their other startling findings related to the supposed correlation between the use of marijuana and the ingestion of Doritos until some of the researchers were strangely overcome by feelings of paranoia.

- File Sharing Killed The Video Star
I was listening to an NPR show this weekend where a guest argued that the age of stadium rock shows was ending. He said that when big room filling acts hang it up, they aren't being replaced. There's U2 and maybe Metallica from the late 80s/early...

- What Should Replace The War On Drugs?
We've been fighting a war on drugs...which explains why we've been doing it so badly. The Rockefeller plan of locking up ever more non-violent offenders surely is not the answer. But simple legalization in this culture would probably work about...

- Science, Society, And Lingerie
Two very interesting studies out to show that the naive version of the nature/nurture distinction has no place whatsoever in discussions of human sexuality: Echidne of the Snakes discusses a University of Chicago study comparing the relative happiness...

- Philosophy Of Science At The Supreme Court
It's not often that philosophers of science get to talk about cases before the Supreme Court, but the high court just heard arguments concerning the scope of patents and medical discoveries that raises interesting questions about the nature of scientific...

- Women In Science
This issue may never be fully resolved. "Keeping Women in Science on a Tenure Track" by Steven Greenhouse January 5th, 2011 The New York Times More women are obtaining Ph.D.’s in science than ever before, but those women — largely because of pressures...

