Free book..."The Age of Einstein"

Free book..."The Age of Einstein"

A novice has to start somewhere.

The Age of Einstein, is a brief introduction to Einstein's Theories of Special and General Relativity. It is a book for the inquisitive general reader who wishes to gain an understanding of the key ideas put forward by the greatest scientist of the 20th-century. No more than a modest grasp of High School Mathematics is required to follow the arguments.

The Age of Einstein

- Why Do We Love Einstein?
Today is Einstein's birthday and as I put the finishing touches on the manuscript, Einstein's Jewish Science: Physics at the Intersection of Politics and Religion, I am thinking about the question in the last chapter -- why do we love Einstein?...

- "mistaken Identity And Mirror Images"...quirky Stories
Albert Einstein accepted a “special” visiting professorship at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands in February 1920. Although his appointment should have been a mere formality, it took until October of that year before Einstein could occupy...

- Albert Einstein's Methodology
Abstract... This paper discusses Einstein's methodology. The first topic is: Einstein characterized his work as a theory of principle and reasoned that beyond kinematics, the 1905 heuristic relativity principle could offer new connections between...

- Bad Hairday For Einstein?
Abstract: Two important and unpleasant events occurred in Albert Einstein’s life in 1920: That August an antirelativity rally was held in the large auditorium of the Berlin Philharmonic, and a few weeks later Einstein was drawn into a tense and highly...

- "another Einstein?" Poll
Will there ever be an iconic figure like Einstein again? Yes...6 No...1 Perhaps...3 Hard to predict, but I doubt it. Einstein was historically in the right place at the right time. Einstein was part of the Classical Age of Physics, explained a far reaching...

