FBI firm on conclusion on anthrax case

Robert Mueller
[FBI director]
Kerry Waghorn
It still isn't clear and suspicion of FBI tactics will remain.
"FBI's Mueller tells Congress anthrax inquiry conclusive"
Kevin Johnson,
September 17th, 2008
FBI Director Robert Mueller on Tuesday defended the long federal inquiry into the 2001 anthrax attacks, expressing confidence that Army scientist Bruce Ivins was responsible for the assaults that killed five people.Mueller, in his first appearance before Congress since Ivins was publicly identified last month as the lone attacker, also said the National Academy of Sciences is conducting an independent review of the FBI investigation.Some congressional leaders have raised questions about the FBI's conclusions in the case against Ivins, who committed suicide in July as federal investigators built their case against him.House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, D-Mich., publicly rebuked Mueller on Tuesday for what Conyers called a belated response to the committee's requests for additional information about the case and about the government's plans to expand the FBI's authority in national security investigations."When are we going to get some straight answers?" Conyers asked Mueller. "These are serious and important questions."Mueller later told the panel that investigators had made a "clear identification," tracing the deadly anthrax contained in a series of letters to the substance found in a vial controlled by Ivins, an anthrax scientist at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md.The FBI director said investigators "eliminated every other person" who might have had the skills to produce the material.Federal investigators initially focused largely on Ivins' colleague Steven Hatfill. Hatfill later sued the government for violating his privacy. In June, the Justice Department paid $5.8 million to settle the legal action.Tom Daschle, one of two U.S. senators targeted in the attacks, has described the bureau's inquiry implicating Ivins as "complete and persuasive." Paul Kemp, Ivins' attorney, says the scientist was innocent.Mueller is likely to face additional questions today in Senate testimony about new Justice Department guidelines that would allow FBI agents to conduct surveillance and interviews and use other methods without specific suspicions or suspects."These new guidelines open the door to using race and ethnicity in the name of national security," ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero said. Mueller says the additional powers are needed to combat terrorism.Congress desires answers from FBI on anthrax case
Bruce E. Ivins--case Closed?
Eight years later the FBI has filed a 92 page report closing the case against Bruce E. Ivans who is believed to be the perpetrator in five anthrax deaths. [Where can this document be found?] "F.B.I., Laying Out Evidence, Closes Anthrax Letters Case"...
Fbi To Release More Data On Anthrax Case This Week
The third week of August will be when the FBI presents more hard data regarding the anthrax issue and their decision to charge Bruce Ivins in order to quell doubts and suspicions. "F.B.I. Will Present Scientific Evidence in Anthrax Case to Counter Doubts"...
Anthrax, Fbi...questions Continue
This is beginning to deepen the quest of data gathering and scientific methodologies which transcends the guilt or innocence of Bruce Ivans. "Nagging Questions in Anthrax Case" by Laura Fitzpatrick August 13th, 2008 Time As probable bioterrorists go,...
Anthrax--chemical Signatures
Now the chemist's skill is revealed in the analysis of the strand of anthrax that assisted the FBI. However, regardless of the analysis and conclusions the ultimate test in a criminal investigation is through the rigors of the judicial system. Such...
Bruce Ivins--a Rush To An Accusation?
Bruce Ivins April 22nd, 1946 to July 29th, 2008 "Attorneys on both sides of the FBI's anthrax case against microbiologist Bruce Ivins acknowledge much of the evidence is circumstantial." so wrote NPR's Ari Shapiro. Bruce Ivins committed suicide...