Fashionable Chameleon

Fashionable Chameleon

No matter how many chicks you banged when you were the quarterback of your local football team, or how many keg-stands you could do you in college, or how well you can impersonate Lady Gaga just because you have an Adam's apple, you'll never be as cool as this little guy :)

All we can do is be jealous :)

- Penn State Football Death Penalty?
The question in the wake of the Freeh Report on the tragedy at Penn State is whether the university should be allowed to field a football team going forward in the next few years. The argument on one side is that the lack of oversight and turning a blind...

- Justifying Fashion
This is fashion week in New York.  To be honest, I've always had an antipathy for fashion.  Growing up as a nerd in an upper-middle class suburb, fashion always seemed to me to be a two-pronged evil.  On the one hand, it was something...

- Why Do You Know That?
Let's pull this one back out. It's the converse of "auto mechanics to quantum mechanics," where the idea now is to contribute those bits of knowledge that seem really cool even if they are not directly applicable to anything. My contribution:...

- What Is The Difference Between Hip And Cool?
An interesting conversation today that tried to distinguish between being hip and being cool. One could be utterly unhip, but a very cool person. To be hip, it was argued, requires being hip to something, it means being on the cutting edge, being more...

- Sports Science - Spiraling The Pig Skin Vs. Shooting Arrows
I'm not a very big fan of watching sports. I'm not sure why that's the case (although I tell myself plenty of reasons), but there's something frustrating about sitting down watching someone else engage in an fun activity instead of being...

