Ethical choice

This is an old philosophical problem involving an ethical issue.
It goes something like this...
1.) Car "A" with six occupants [not lawyers or politicians] has stalled on some railroad tracks.
2.) Car "B" with one occupant [not Obama] has stalled on another stretch of railroad track.
3.) A high speed train is heading directly towards car "A".
4.) The train must strike either car "A" or car "B".
5.) You have the ability to switch the train towards car "A" and thus averting the death of six people.
What is your decision and why?
The Twin Paradox
If you're riding a train and you shoot a gun in the same direction, the total speed of the bullet, relative to the ground, would be the speed of the bullet relative to the gun plus the speed of the train relative to the ground. There's nothing...
Robert H. Goddard's Super-train
"The SciFi Story Robert H. Goddard Published 100 Years Ago" by Ron Miller June 7th, 2014 io9 In 1904, while Robert H. Goddard was a student at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts, his professor of creative writing asked his class to...
Morally Appropriate To Use Bad Means To Attain Good Ends?
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The Old Moral Dilemma Question With A Twist And Additions
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The Toy Train Man...joshua Lionel Cowen
Joshua Lionel Cowen August 25th, 1880 to September 8th, 1965 Joshua Lionel Cowen was an "American inventor of electric model trains who founded the Lionel Corporation (1901), which became the largest U.S. toy train manufacturer. At age 18, he had invented...