Einstein & Easter offering

Just an offering during this movable article by M. Barone...Abstract:While Special and General Relativity are well known by a very large number of people, Einstein's religious convictions are almost ignored.The paper focuses on what was his view about immortality.Einstein believed in Spinoza's view of God and in cosmic religion.Since the Special Relativity implies a kind of superdeterminism with the future completely determined,that can be taken as ontological proof for the non-Existence of an hypothetical God.Because of that K.Popper in a private conversation with him said: "You are Parmenides". Einstein's Pantheism was in contrast with the non-Euclidean universe of Special Relativity.In conclusion the interest in our times of his Weltanschaung will be taken in consideration.Einstein and the mistery of eternity of lifeEinstein--Gutkind letter...SOLD!Einstein: Spiritual and the scientificEinstein's "religious" letter...two essays
Einstein and Religion: Physics and TheologybyMax JammerISBN-10: 069110297XISBN-13: 978-0691102979 Sample...Einstein and Religion: Physics and Theology
Why Do We Love Einstein?
Today is Einstein's birthday and as I put the finishing touches on the manuscript, Einstein's Jewish Science: Physics at the Intersection of Politics and Religion, I am thinking about the question in the last chapter -- why do we love Einstein?...
"mistaken Identity And Mirror Images"...quirky Stories
Albert Einstein accepted a “special” visiting professorship at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands in February 1920. Although his appointment should have been a mere formality, it took until October of that year before Einstein could occupy...
Albert Einstein's Methodology
Abstract... This paper discusses Einstein's methodology. The first topic is: Einstein characterized his work as a theory of principle and reasoned that beyond kinematics, the 1905 heuristic relativity principle could offer new connections between...
"another Einstein?" Poll
Will there ever be an iconic figure like Einstein again? Yes...6 No...1 Perhaps...3 Hard to predict, but I doubt it. Einstein was historically in the right place at the right time. Einstein was part of the Classical Age of Physics, explained a far reaching...
Einstein--gutkind Letter...sold!
"Einstein letter on religion sells for $404K" Associated Press LONDON: A letter in which Albert Einstein dismissed the idea of God as the product of human weakness and the Bible as "pretty childish" has sold at auction for more than US$400,000. Bloomsbury...