Dowsing...believe it if you wish to

A curious phenomena of detecting things of value especially water by a stick-like device. Paranormal, junk science?Dowsing [Wikipedia]
Ritual And Superstition
Thinking about the relationship between ritual and superstition. Clearly some rituals are non-superstitious. No one thinks that not getting together for Thanksgiving will invite bad luck. The ritual is culturally enforced, but has clear...
Folk Songs...dead?
The folk singers [Brewer & Shipley, Mamas & Papas, Maria Muldaur, Peter, Paul & Mary, Simon & Garfunkel, The New Christy Minstrels, The Kingston Trio, Woody Guthrie, and scores more]...died or disbanded. One wonders if the genre is still...
Bubl Link--specialized Search Engine
000 Generalities Includes: computing, Internet, libraries, information science 500 Science and mathematics Includes: physics, chemistry, earth sciences, biology, zoology 100 Philosophy and psychology Includes: ethics, paranormal phenomena...
Old Scientific Drawings
Priestley's Lab Below will be an ongoing display of some of those fine aesthetically appealing illustrations which will include specific scientific apparatus functions, assorted apparatus, and even full sized items in use at the time. When possible...
Adjusted Physics?
I am sure you will agree that most of the so-called paranormal material is focused on entertainment and the acquisition of bucks. That doesn't mean that there aren't events that are truly “odd or unusual”--beyond the range of current knowledge...