Do You Get What You Pay For?

Do You Get What You Pay For?

Is the old chestnut "you get what you pay for" true? When you pay more, is it generally for quality or is it for marketing and brand status or convenience? Has the mass production of goods and consolidation in the marketplace altered the relationship between price and value? In which cases is paying more worth the extra costs and in which cases is it not?

- Little Paternalistic Lies Of Convenience
Driving in this morning, listening to "Marketplace," the announcer recalled the story of a friend whose mother told him when he was a child that when the ice cream truck was playing music, it meant that it was out of ice cream.  Parents play on the...

- Closure
In the conversations involving the death of Osama bin Laden, one hears the word "closure" used very frequently. Is it a meaningful notion or just pop psychological nonsense? It is certainly true that in unusual cases such as the disappearances of political...

- "the Twelve Days Of Christmas"...merely $100,000
"PNC Christmas Price Index On Track with Economic Indicators" Prices for "The Twelve Days of Christmas" Song Items Mostly Stable; Total Cost of Christmas tops $100,000 for First Time MarketWatch, Inc. A sluggish economy coupled with weak demand has...

- "penny" Poll
Should the penny be dropped from circulation? No...2 Yes...4 Okay, they are a nuisance and have little intrinsic value...not copper anymore. "A penny is the lowest form of American currency, worth only one cent, and is popularly believed to be made solely...

- Chemical Industry Raises Prices
This two fold increase of 45% in two months through out the chemical industry will have a huge trickle down effect on every citizen on the globe. We are not privy to the ledgers of these companies but one wonders if this is an ethical and justifiable...

