Disgusting Colors?

Disgusting Colors?

The word disgusting comes from the notion of inedible. That which is disgusting turns our stomachs. While certain complex, contextual phenomena are disgusting, there are simple experiences that are disgusting in and of themselves. Certain smells or tastes, for example, are just implicitly disgusting. But is this true of other types of basic experiences? Are there certain colors or shades of color that are disgusting? Are there textures that are disgusting apart from what they are a part of?

- Dartmouth, Fraternities, And Arguing From (near) Ignorance
If you haven't read the Rolling Stone expose on fraternity life at Dartmouth, do.  It paints a disgusting picture of what goes on in the fraternities of an elite liberal arts college. You have organizations run by pre-adults with no oversight....

- Rush Limbaugh, Straw Meets Camel
So, I'm wondering why Rush Limbaugh is getting so much flack for his comments about Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke.  Don't get me wrong, I think he deserves it, but I'm baffled as to why he is actually getting what he deserves. ...

- Pollyannaberg
I keep waiting for it to happen. Violence and revenge spiral into more violence and revenge. With each act it becomes easier to dehumanize the other side and the cycle of evil deepens. But occasionally an act so offends the sensibilities that it shocks...

- Hanno On Free Speech
Hanno's proposal to amend the flag burning amendment: LET US BAN the burning of the American flag. It is offensive to the majority of the citizens of this country. It is hateful. People place great importance in symbols of national unity, and the...

- Stephen Colbert - Cheating Death... Through Placebos
Stephen reports that Camel technology develops new ways to deliver disgusting carcinogens into your body without the tedious need to light up and look cool in the process, but, as one might suspect, Camel can't compete with Prescott Pharmaceuticals'...

