Darwin - Evolution of a Madman

From the producers of Sherlock Holmes comes the incredible story of a bad-ass detective of nature whose insightful observations and unorthodox conjectures would one day change the world, threaten the church, kill God, get his first cousin knocked up, and drive a few species into extinction :)
Behold the rise of man! :)
Reframing Environmental Issues For Christian Fundamentalists
Today is the birthday of Bill Moyers. I'm not sure if there is anyone alive who better exemplifies the notion of "citizen." An ordained Baptist minister and a former White House Press Secretary, he brings the media and spiritual together. In a speech...
Lucy Liu As Watson...not A Good Idea
I don't think this is a good idea...not for the Asian female aspect, but for the generalized female notion. There is way too much license being taken here with the Holmes' concept. Roll over in your grave Doyle. This is just going to cause numerous...
A Swiss Doyle
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle May 22nd, 1859 to July 7th, 1930 Scottish novelist, physician, spiritualist. His fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes, emulates the scientist, diligently searching through data and to make sense of it. "It is a capital mistake...
Olivia Judson [new York Times] Celebrates Darwin
Olivia Judson of The New York Times has begun a series of essays on Charles Darwin. "In a week or so, the trumpets will sound, heralding the start of 18 months of non-stop festivities in honor of Charles Darwin. July 1, 2008, is the 150th anniversary...
Oxford I said no more felines, but that cannot be despite the strong mourning for Bruno. However, on the evening of June 12th during severe weather "Oxford" was delivered as a result of saving him from kind people who were forced to reduce their feline...