Cosmosphere...Kansas Cosmological & Space Center

Apollo 13 Capsule
Daniel Bayer
If you are planning a vacation this year or are traveling through the state of Kansas, you might wish to visit the Kansas Cosmological & Space Center or Cosmosphere in Hutchinson, Kansas.Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center [Wikipedia]Kansas Cosmosphere and Space CenterHere is a short video clip...
Off To The Gulag Mr. Nesterov
"Space Center Chief Loses Job over Failed Launches" by September 4th, 2012 SPACE DAILY Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed Vladimir Nesterov as general director of the Khrunichev Space Center, the state press service reported on Monday. The...
Curious Statistic For Plato, Missouri
"It’s official: U.S. population center is near Plato, Mo." March 24th, 2011 The Kansas City Star The U.S. Census Bureau just raised the status of the southern Missouri community of Plato, an incorporated village in Texas County. The bureau announced...
Soooooo, People Do Have A Conscience Of "right And Wrong"
"Anonymous vandal sends Kansas county $300 for damage" January 13th, 2011 The Associated Press WICHITA | A remorseful vandal has sent a Kansas county $300 in cash to pay for damaged and stolen highway signs. Sedgwick County Public Works director David...
Emerald Ash Borer Vs Ash Trees
International Year of Biodiversity What happens when nature and man collide. "Kansas City takes down ash trees before arrival of destructive bug" by Matt Campbell May 8th, 2010 The Kansas City Star A section of one of Kansas City’s oldest boulevards...
Linda Hall Library
Linda Hall Library Kansas City, Missouri The previous post was about Huntington Library and I feel obligated to also mention Linda Hall Library which is one of the world's leading collections of science, engineering, and technology repositories....